Bagaimana Anda Membuat Bash Prompt Mengubah Warna Ketika Masuk Ke Server?

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Bagaimana Anda Membuat Bash Prompt Mengubah Warna Ketika Masuk Ke Server?
Bagaimana Anda Membuat Bash Prompt Mengubah Warna Ketika Masuk Ke Server?

Video: Bagaimana Anda Membuat Bash Prompt Mengubah Warna Ketika Masuk Ke Server?

Video: Bagaimana Anda Membuat Bash Prompt Mengubah Warna Ketika Masuk Ke Server?
Jika Anda mengakses beberapa server sepanjang hari kerja, maka dapat mengetahui mana yang Anda kerjakan sekilas berdasarkan skema warna bisa sangat berguna. Pos SuperUser Super & Pemutaran Hari ini membantu pembaca mencapai nirvana yang berwarna-warni di lingkungan kerjanya.
Jika Anda mengakses beberapa server sepanjang hari kerja, maka dapat mengetahui mana yang Anda kerjakan sekilas berdasarkan skema warna bisa sangat berguna. Pos SuperUser Super & Pemutaran Hari ini membantu pembaca mencapai nirvana yang berwarna-warni di lingkungan kerjanya.

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami SuperUser - subdivisi Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs web Q & A berbasis komunitas.


SuperUser reader nitins ingin tahu cara membuat warna perubahan Bash Prompt saat masuk ke server:

Is there a way to make the Bash Prompt dynamic so that it changes color when I am logged into a server? I want the color to be green when using my own personal system, but change to red whenever I am connected to servers. I have a huge number of servers that I access and do not want to have to put a different .bashrc on each and every one of them.

Bagaimana Anda membuat warna Bash Prompt berubah saat masuk ke server?


Kontributor SuperUser Matei David memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:

Remote Bash Prompts are set by the remote ~/.bashrc, so you will still need to copy it to the remote servers. However, you can use a single ~/.bashrc for all hosts and set the Bash Prompt color based on the host name:



  • Do not set PS1 if it is not already set (i.e. if the shell is not interactive). Testing to see if PS1 is “non-empty” is a very common way to find out if the shell is interactive and you do not want to confuse programs that do that (arguably, a more accurate test is checking to see if $- contains i).
  • If you want this code to run when logging into a remote server, you should have one of the profile files always source ~/.bashrc (I am assuming you know that).
  • In PS1, the escape codes must be enclosed in […].
  • [033[m resets the foreground and background to their defaults, so here :w appears in the terminal foreground/background.
  • [033[48;5;XXXm33[38;5;YYYm sets the background/foreground to XXX/YYY.
  • For a script that dumps the available colors, try colortest.
  • To check and see what the Bash Prompt would look like, use: echo -e “<33[48;5;16m33[38;5;196mhost33[m:dir>$ “

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Kredit Gambar: Emx (Wikipedia)
